Monday, 8 April 2013

Interview with a fitness trainer

What do you do for a job?

Answer: I’m a personal trainer and a fitness instructor so I’m basically paid to be the giant pain in the ass that gets people out of bed and exercising every day!

Childhood dream or something you just fell into?

Answer: Actually this is my second career and neither of my jobs lived up to my childhood dream of racing car driver

How did you get into your job?

Answer: I have always been a bit of a fanatic about fitness. I was a constant source of annoyance to my parents who became sick of taking me from one sporting event to the next: football, hockey, long distance running – you name it I was doing it.
But I fell into banking (retail not investment, don’t hate me!) and decided when I turned 25 that it was NOT right for me. Some training and a qualification later, here I am!

What does a typical working day involve?

Answer: There’s no typical day but whatever happens I’m up early getting myself in the zone. I try to spend time with my clients, getting to know them a bit so a day can involve anything from exercising full out all day to sitting down and having a smoothie while looking at exercise plans.

What do you like about your job?

Answer: Getting to meet new and interesting people and helping them to change their lives. Some of my clients are now friends and some have lost – and kept off – an incredible amount of weight. As everyone’s getting bigger and less fit, it’s important we all stay aware of our own bodies..

What kind of person do you need to be to succeed in this job?

Answer: Fit, obviously! But you also have to be a people person – I’m as much a therapist as a personal trainer!

If you had to offer one piece of advice to anyone looking to break into your industry, what would it be?

Answer: Just do it! Work hard, learn what you need to and just get on with it. I wish I had straight away!

 What is your job description?
Answer: I am the Director of Operations and co-owner of Professional Fitness Instructor Training which is located in the Houston, TX area. We engage in the training, certification and continuing education of personal fitness trainers, rehabilitative exercise specialists, fitness enthusiasts and all concerned with the proper application of exercise for health, wellness and fitness.
As the Director of Operations, I handle day to day program promotions, scheduling, staffing and content. I am also an instructor, providing lectures, applications, and hand on instruction for students in the disciplines of anatomy, physiology, health considerations and biomechanical theory and applications. Additionally, I am in charge of the research and development.

How did you decide to go into fitness instruction and training?

Answer: I wanted to have the greatest impact on the well being of exercise specialists and their clients, and assembling, teaching, certifying and promoting health, wellness and fitness allows me to do that.
Q: What does it take to be successful as a fitness instructor?

Answer: What does it require to play at Carnegie Hall? Practice – Practice – Practice. Personal Fitness Trainers can never know too much, demonstrate their abilities to their peers too often or assist their clients on too many occasions. A competent personal fitness trainer has a much larger impact on the life of their client than Emergency Medical Technicians, physicians, or hospitals.

Q: What advice can you offer to students who may want to become fitness trainers?

Answer: Without health, all other endeavors are severely limited. Choose wisely, and become a personal fitness trainer in health, wellness and fitness. Know the sciences and applications, and become the expert.
Enjoy sports as a diversion and not an education. A close associate of mine said, “Medals are awarded for the ability to better perform weird things.” Sport has absolutely nothing to do with day to day, long term living.
You only need to make your body perform for as long as you need it. As a personal fitness trainer choose your clients wisely. At times you may be your only client, which works well. You may add family and children and friends. Some may even find enjoyment in training others for their livelihood. Never pass an opportunity to be a servant for anyone.
What type of nutrition and fitness classes are good to take in high school/junior College?
A: Probably start with anatomy and physiology or even biology. There are also programs, like mine, specifically designed to certify fitness trainers, but they are usually separate from junior colleges or colleges.
Q: How much money do you make and do you live in a big city?
A: I live right outside of Houston. I make enough money to live comfortably. No, I’m not raking in millions but I make a decent living and genuinely enjoy going to work each day.
Q: Which occupation or similar occupation to fitness trainer would earn the most?
A: If looking to stay in this field and maximize your income, you might consider a career in physical therapy with a focus on sports medicine. Just remember that money isn’t everything–you really want to pursue a profession that you’ll find challenging, interesting, and fulfilling. This makes all the difference in your level of life satisfaction. And if you try really hard and excel in your field, you’ll find financial success. Working hard is a lot easier if you enjoy what you’re doing.

Is this job related to being an athletic trainer?
A: A fitness trainer usually works with individuals to help them achieve their personal fitness goals (i.e. I want to lose ten pounds, or increase my muscle mass, etc.). Athletic trainers deal more with the assessment and treatment of athletic injuries, the coordination of rehabilitation services, the provision of medicine, etc. This often involves coordinating efforts with physicians and physical therapists. You need higher levels of education and certification to become a trainer.
Q: Is a Bachelor’s degree sufficient for athletic training, or do you need to obtain a Master’s degree in a related field?
A: A bachelor’s degree is sufficient for some positions but the majority of athletic trainers hold a master’s or doctoral degree.
Q: What should your major be in college if you plan on becoming an athletic trainer?
A: You’ll want to do a bachelor’s degree in athletic training. Check the National Athletic Trainers’ Association website ( for schools.  And keep in mind that more than half of all practicing trainers go on to get a master’s or doctoral degree in the field.
Q: What should your major be in college if you plan on becoming an athletic trainer?
A: You’ll want to do a bachelor’s degree in athletic training. Check the National Athletic Trainers’ Association website ( for schools.  And keep in mind that more than half of all practicing trainers go on to get a master’s or doctoral degree in the field.

Sunday, 7 April 2013

Effects of Junk Food

Today's scenario, junk food needs no introduction. Well, everyone in this age of convenience is enjoying the taste of junk foods. Junks foods are the most popular food because they are delicious, filling, affordable and readily available. Junk food is all good tasting, except the fact that it is not nutritionally balanced. It might affect your health if consumed on the regular basis.
In the following article, I have listed few harmful effects of junk food.
·        In the age of fast food, obesity is the most common problem. Junk foods are loaded with lots of fat, sugar, calories, salt and crabs and therefore not all healthy. Eating excessive amount of junk food leads to obesity and malnutrition. It also cuts down the energy levels of the body.

   Junk foods contain high amount of oil and fat and therefore our body finds difficulty to digest. When we consume the junk foods in excessive amount, major portion of the blood gets diverted to intestine and thus we feel drowsy and encounter reduced concentration.
·        Your liver might be damaged due to junks food's consumption. Junk foods are deficient in dietary fiber and micro-nutrients such as vitamins and minerals.
·        Your heart might not work properly in the long run on consuming excessive amount of junk foods. You might suffer from heart diseases like cardiac arrest and atherosclerosis.
·        The pancreas might be damaged resulting in insulin-dependent diabetes melodious.
·        Junk food is a kind of addictive; you get hooked on to it and continue eating it in an uncontrolled way despite the fact that it not healthy. The more you consume, the more difficult you will find to opt for healthy food. Ending a junk food addiction might be difficult but not impossible. To begin with, you can successively decrease the frequency of eating junk food and try to eat more homemade foods.


Benefits of Healthy Food
1. Healthy foods like fruits and vegetables or whole wheat chpaties and bread are high in fiber content. Fibers release energy slowly, this food keeps our stomach full for a longer time and we feel less hungry through the day. High fiber foods also keep your gastro-intestinal tract healthy thus controlling your cholesterol and blood sugar level.
2. The proteins that you derive from lean meat and nuts improve your brain functions. Have veggies either steamed or stir-fried. They hold all the nutrients intact unlike fried foods which drain out the essential nutrients.
3. Healthy food is not processed, hence they are low on calories and do not lose out on essential nutritional values. Having multi-grain breads, sprouts, low fat diary items (like skimmed milk, home-made paneer or curd) and fruits will give you a good amount of nutrition.

4. Since these foods are low in calories and Trans fat, therefore, it will help to control your weight. If you are overweight or obese, consult a doctor or nutritionist at the earliest and follow a high fiber low calorie diet strictly.
5. A daily diet of health and nutritional food will also give you a good heart preventing all sorts of heart diseases. It will also control your cholesterol, blood sugar level and blood pressure.
You see healthy food not only supplies you with proteins, minerals and essential nutrients but also has many added benefits. No disadvantages at all, only with the exception that it won't be able to meet your temptations.
Statistics have shown that now-a-days children are fond of junk food more than adults. How many of them eat fruits with that much interest as a plate of pizza? hardly any. Children are a lot fussier about food but introducing them to healthy diet from the time they start eating can be a good start. Highly fatty junk foods will block their arteries and blood vessels leading to some serious diseases. Children learn a lot from adults. Therefore, its advisable that you hold back your temptations whenever you pass by any fast food joints. Control your temptations people, only then can you lead a happy life and give your child a healthy one.


Healthy Foods Vs Junk Foods

Fast food chains are opening up in every nook and corner of the world, attracting people of all ages, especially the children and youth. Commonly known as junk food, pizzas, burgers, French fries and other such item are delicious and a delight for the taste buds. Their healthy counterparts - fruits, vegetables, whole grains and lean meat - do not develop as much craving in people as junk foods. However, it is high time that people realized the fact that junk food, though it tastes delicious, is of no use for the human body. It does nothing good to us, other than loading our bodies with unwanted fat and loads of calories. If you want to know why majority of medical experts talk in favor of healthy foods, go through the article. It will tell you of the pros of healthy foods Vs junk foods.
Nutrients                                                                                                                                   Apart from the supplying energy and loads of calories, junk food does not give you all the essential nutrients. On the other hand, healthy foods like fresh fruits, vegetables and whole grains serve as rich sources of a variety of nutrients. When we talk about essential fats, healthy foods score again. Junk foods, like French fries and burgers, are laden with unhealthy fats, which is the reason why majority of people eating such foods suffer from obesity.
Stamina                                                                                                                                         The consumption of junk food may give you the feeling of instant energy. However, many people who love to eat junk foods are unaware of the fact that their overdose or regular consumption results in a deficiency of energy. On the contrary, fruits, vegetables and lean meat will not only provide you with nutrients, but will also help you build stamina.
Concentration                                                                                                                                  A healthy diet will help you sharpen your concentrating skills. On the other side, junk foods lead to poor concentration. The blood circulation drops due to the excessive deposition of fat in the inner wall of arteries, a result of junk food consumption. As a result, you feel drowsy.
Cholesterol                                                                                                                          Cholesterol level will always be on a high, if you are habitual of consuming junk food. It consists of a much higher level of cholesterol as compared to its healthy counterpart. This results in the deposition of cholesterol in the inner walls of the arteries, eventually causing an adverse effect on the liver. On the other hand, healthy foods can help you maintain the blood cholesterol level.
Overall Health                                                                                                                       People following a healthy diet fall ill less often. However, it is not the same for those who frequent the fast food outlets. One of the most prominent health problems pertaining to eating junk is obesity. This is followed by a series of diseases and deprivation of essential nutrients.